Wednesday, January 4, 2017

                                                                 Do you love?

I don't hide the fact that I am an "active L.D.S", aka, "Mormon", aka member of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints". I also don't go around shouting this to everyone I encounter throughout my day. I do, however, try to live the gospel principles that I learn through scripture reading, examples that my parents and other good people have set for me, and also what I learn by heeding what our prophet, Thomas S. Monson, tells us. I have also tried to help our children see the path led by our Savior, Jesus Christ, is the sure way to peace and happiness, especially during hard trials in life. That being said, my search for happiness will most likely be different then their search in this life. The hard part as a parent is to "let go", stand back and let them learn for themselves what will bring them peace and happiness in this life; to be able to love and support them in their good choices. The important part is to always let them know that they are loved.

Something that I like to do as a parent is to "reward the good" not the bad. By "reward" I do not necessarily mean money, a new car, a new puppy, or anything like that. A simple "Great job! I knew you could do it!!!" or perhaps spending time with them as they choose an activity. These are the memories that are instilled in their hearts, and their minds. Let me give an example. If you have a child who has a hard time with a subject in school, but keeps trying, and they bring home a "C" or even a "D", I reward them. They are trying! They are striving to learn. They are showing effort. However, if a child does not do their homework, does not try and decides to play instead of study and they bring home a "C" or a "D", there is certainly no reward. That being said, I do not believe in making a child feel bad either. As before, a simple question such as, "What do you think YOU could do better next time? or "Do you think that the grade/score you received is fair?" These questions open up discussion. It also shows that you care; that you love them.

Going through some family photos the other day brought back many memories: happy, sad, loving (sigh!), discouragement, and more. I found myself pondering on certain memories more than others. When I discovered that I had been doing this for a while, I began to analyze why those particular memories stood out to me. Love. I either felt love and joy with such fun feelings buzzing through me...or felt the opposite of love; I felt that love was being threatened or trampled on. I am continually amazed at how resilient a person can be, going through the many learning experiences that we go through in our path for peace and happiness...and love.

There seems to be a lot of extra stress throughout the world; tornadoes, wars, refugees, conflicting views within families, political (crap!) differences...the list could go on and get very lengthy. Has the world really had more stress put onto it than when I was younger? I will answer that with a yes and a no. (When I answer this way I drive my children nuts!) Yes, the world has had more stress added to it in some ways- we are able to know so much more about every "one" and about every "thing" that is going on in the world - through a reporter's vision. Personally I like to read many views of a situation to come to my own conclusion. I don't like feeling like I am "being fed" how someone else wants me to feel. Here is the no; when I was younger the technology was not as far reachable as today; I also didn't see the world through my "adult eyes". I wasn't concerned about my next meal, or if my car insurance was paid. My worries were age-specific. I learned what I needed to know to make it to the next step of learning. I have wonderful parents and great siblings. Life was definitely not idyllic growing up, but looking back I can see many great moments that were learning experiences; instances that changed my perspective on life and helped me to learn and grow. Love.

Right now I have the Beatles song, "All You Need Is Love" going through my head!!! Ha ha!

Currently I work in the Denver, CO LDS temple. I love the temple! Some days I feel such a great joy from serving there and assisting others along their path to peace and happiness. Most times I come home feeling like I have been the one assisted on my daily journey. I have made many wonderful friends working there. Something that I have found interesting is the way the temple workers are viewed by some. I heard someone say that they could "never be that good" to work in the temple, that they "didn't have a perfect life like 'those people'." Hmmmm. Most of the people that I work with have and are dealing with harsh things in life just like everybody else: a loved one with cancer, a child who does not believe in our faith, a family member who is in a rehabilitation center, house fires, insurance claims...regular life. Why do people find it so easy to compare each other and find themselves lacking? Learn to love yourself; view yourself as the Lord sees you. My mother has tried to instill that in all of her children, grand children, and all of children that she has taught through her 80 years as a teacher in school as well as at church on Sundays. My mother is a fantastic example of love.

I just found this beautiful picture of Jesus Christ, open arms in welcome, with a huge smile directed at the "receiver" on the internet. LOVE! Jesus Christ is love.

Another great example to me of love for others is Thomas S. Monson, the prophet in this day. He is a is a good man. One of his tremendous strengths is Welfare. He has been on many committees for various welfare needs with many different churches and their leaders. They all have a great respect for President Monson. He is someone who was raised with love, who has surrounded himself with the love of the Lord, and has made this a very core part of who he is. He has had some pretty heavy "extras" in his life - being made an apostle in his 30's, after being a Bishop in a ward that was filled with a lot of need, especially with a lot of widows and not a lot of money in the ward. He has answered every calling from the Lord with a yes. I can tell you this, and I sure that he would be the first to agree with me, that he had a wonderful help meet here on the earth, whom he loved and misses terribly since her passing a couple of years ago. She was his rock, his balance, and his best friend...His eternal love.

All of these disjointed, but somehow connected, thoughts have flown through my head and onto this blog. When I sat down I really didn't know what I wanted to write about. I guess deep down I just hunger for the world to know a greater love.

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