Saturday, August 30, 2014



Have you ever noticed how happy you feel inside when someone gives you a genuine smile?  I love receiving those smiles, but I have discovered recently that I enjoy giving those smiles even more.

I decided to run a "test" the other day. I entered Wal-Mart and made eye contact with everyone that I could--smiling. I found that some seemed happier after that brief encounter while others weren't sure what to make of me. I decided that I like helping people feel happier even if it is for a brief moment.

The temple is my happy place. Getting ready for the temple makes me happy. Driving to the temple gets me happier. The temple grounds are always beautiful. When I am on the temple grounds the happiness I feel inside seems to swell within me and begins to bring a beautiful inner peace. As I walk in the doors and greet others there I know that I am in good company. The sweet sisters greeting me are happy to see me. The brethren at the front desk are the "guardians" but are also part of the "welcoming committee". There is usually a sister by the brethren there to greet and assist in whatever way she can. How can you feel stressful with that many good people smiling and welcoming you? The wonderful people that I work with are some of the best people that I have ever met. They all go out of their way to assist and help everyone.

Something else that makes me smile -- babies and little children! They are so full of reality. When they're mad they let you know it. When they are happy they invite the world to join in! Their contagious giggles and laughter from their pudgy bellies cause me to smile! I just can't hold back.

My cute granddaughter is another reason for joy in my life! Being her "Nana" is seriously one of the BEST titles that I could have in this life. She is full of fun and love and is sweet.

Me and my sweet granddaughter

If you're up for a challenge, I would ask you to try the "smile" test. Start genuinely smiling at everyone you meet for one day. You could even begin by trying this at one store. You will be surprised how this simple movement of the lips transforms your face, others perspectives and your own outlook throughout the day.

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