Sunday, August 10, 2014

A couple of weeks ago in Relief Society we were given two minutes to make a list of things that we are thankful for. Here is the list I scrambled to compile:

Daily breath
Continuing Knowledge
Deep love of Savior
Knowledge of eternal value
Service in the temple
Prophet and Apostles
People who serve for Christ
Our USA military
My husband’s job
My sons-in-law
Church Callings
Patriarchal Blessings
Basic necessities
My self-worth

I’ve done this type of activity many times throughout my life. I really don’t know why this time hit me so profoundly. After the allotted two minutes I found that I wanted to keep adding to the list. My heart was full of the abundance of blessings I have in my life. I am not saying that I do not have challenges. Everyone faces challenges. I have decided to use the challenges that come into my life as a “helpful hint” or a “stepping stone” from my Father in Heaven. He knows the potential I can achieve. He loves me and wants what is best for me. I can either accept what is given to me, learn what I can from these experiences; or I can fight every inch of the way and become bitter. No thank you. I’m not too hip into bitterness.

Maybe I’m looking at things differently because I’m getting older. All of our children have moved out of the house and lived in various states. This is a little better for us; for quite a few years we have had children in various countries. Our last family photo was taken when my granddaughter was two. She is now seven. Sorry, I’m digressing. Obviously this is an insight to how my brain works…

I ran into someone this past week that I grew up with. We have both moved away from our hometowns and now live in Colorado. I haven’t seen her for over 25 years. To me she looked the same--beautiful. She still has the great smile, still was calm within herself and welcoming. We are now living only a few miles apart and have done so for seven years. I find it amazing that we haven’t run across each other until now, and in the temple of all places. Believing in “happenstances” is not something I do. I feel that there is a purpose for every interaction. I have had too many miracles “happen” in my life to question God’s hand in my daily miracles. There is something else to add to my life-God’s daily miracles in my life.

Something that I should also add to my list is fasting and prayer. What a beautiful doctrine, prayer. We have direct access to a loving Heavenly Father who loves to hear from us, his children, anytime, anywhere. I came across this scripture today:
D&C 59:14
“Verily, this is fasting and prayer, or in other words, rejoicing and prayer.”

Next Fast Sunday I’m going to keep this scripture in mind; fasting and rejoicing are companionable words. We are meant to rejoice in His goodness as we fast and pray. 

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